Tracking pengguna smartphone (Android) kemudian menyimpan lokasi dan kegiatan pembawa smartphone tersebut, untuk kemudian dapat dimonitor melalui website.
Sangat cocok untuk diterapkan dalam:
* Sales, untuk mengetahui rute perjalanan dan pelaporan aktifitasnya
* Surveyor, untuk pengiriman foto dan langsung dapat diketahui lokasi dan fotonya
* Pegawai, untuk kordinasi di lapangan
* Data perjalanan akan disimpan di server LTS (
* Aktifitas yang dapat dimonitor dari website
* Upload foto ke server LTS
* Pengiriman pesan dari admin panel langsung ke aplikasi LTS di smartphone, sekaligus menerima balasan dari pengiriman pesan tersebut
* Periode update lokasi dapat diatur dari panel admin
Biaya per bulan dikenakan sebagai biaya penyimpanan data lokasi, aktifitas, dan gambar.
*** Karena bersifat tracking di lapangan, smartphone yang digunakan harus memiliki fitur Phone (GSM/CDMA)
Tracking users of smartphones (Android) and then save the location and activities of the smartphone carrier, to then be monitored via the website.
It is suitable to be applied in:
* Sales, to determine the travel route and reporting activities
* Surveyor, sending photographs and can instantly know the location and photograph
* Employees, for coordination in the field
* Data will be stored on the server trip LTS (
* Activities that can be monitored from the website
* Upload photos to the server LTS
* Sending a message from admin panel LTS directly to the application on the smartphone, as well as receive a reply from the message delivery
* Period of location updates can be set from admin panel
Cost per month charged as cost of data storage locations, activities, and pictures.
*** Because it is tracking on the field, smartphones are used must have the features Phone (GSM / CDMA)